Klea was diagnosed at 5 weeks of age with Homocystinuria, a disorder affecting less than 200 people in the world.
Claire was diagnosed with PKU at birth. Three years later, Claire’s brother, Seth, was also diagnosed with the same condition.
Elise was three months old when she was diagnosed with two congenital diseases: Jacobsen Syndrome and Paris-Trousseau Syndrome.
Sophia was nine months when diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) type 1. SMA is a progressive condition that leads to loss of movement and muscle wasting.
Tom was four when he was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). DMD is caused by a defective gene for Dystrophin, a protein in the muscles. Due to the way the disorder is inherited, the condition primarily affects boys and rarely girls.
Dylan was 4 years old when he was diagnosed with MDP syndrome. Later on, in adolescence, he was also diagnosed with autism.
Areti is a 28-year-old young woman suffering from Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) type 2, a severe neurological disease that leads to gradual weakness and atrophy of the muscles, which destroys the patient’s motor skills.
Anastasia was in an artificial coma for 32 days, before she woke up. That made her the first greek woman with Cystic fibrosis who woke up from a coma and the first ever person who woke up after such a long coma, globally.
Chloé Temtchine is an award-winning singer, songwriter and speaker, who was diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Veno Occlusive Disease (PVOD)
Baby Fitz was born with a dysfunctioning immune system. His treatment offers hope for curing rare diseases.
Anestis and Dimitris were two brothers who had Klinefelter syndrome. As they were never diagnosed, they had to endure the prejudice of their neighbours in a small village, nearly 40 years ago.
Tom Staniford, age 32, was diagnosed with MDP syndrome at 23, when the condition was recognized in 2013. Tom hopes that one day all those with disabilities will be judged by their abilities alone.